MYCRO – Simply complete the work supported by Ethereum

When we were children, we all learned in junior class that  Humans are Social Animals and Cannot Live Without Society  . Working on this concept our parents and parents there and parents there and our previous generation, tried there the best level to provide the best they have there children with I mean good food to eat, clothes that good to wear, a good home to live, good to live education so that children can live there in a society made by humans comfortably and respectfully.

The thought of living a comfortable and respectful life has been passed down from one generation to the other in the same way as it began but, have we ever thought about how much pain and problems experienced to give us respect for what they are dream about us. The simple answer is  NO,  why? because just like our parents, we are also busy making our future generations to settle into their lives. It looks like a bicycle chain that goes up and down, a never-ending race that no one can win.

Now, the question that should arise in our minds is  why can’t someone win this race? 
The answer is quite simple, we are all trained to sell Time and Knowledge for Money. So it is called  money for the time trap
where someone sells their knowledge and time to get money to make the family there safe. Look at some of these questions and answer for yourself:

  • When was the last time you had a family dinner?
  • When was the last time you had a Family Picnic?
  • When was the last time you had dinner or lunch at an expensive restaurant?
  • When was the last time you went shopping with family with  Tag Free Shopping (shopping without looking at the price tag)?

There are many other examples but we don’t really care about them because we don’t have enough  money  but we have plenty of  time

In fact, contrary to this is another category where people have lots of money or rather say  wealth  but don’t have time to spend it,  time to trap money they don’t have time to meet there near and dear. Even so they want to be with friends and family, but they can’t because of lack of time.

The beauty of nature is that all eveyone on this planet no matter how rich, or how good to do that person we are all blessed with  24 hours a  day which will be credited in everyone’s lives the next day again.

Being rich does not mean that the person gets an extra hour or two in life there.

In short, the world is full of people trapped there living somewhere or the other and even though there will be they cannot move on their own because they are trapped in time and money or money and time traps.

Scott. A Miller

Thanks to the 21st century and Blockchain Technology to help us overcome this delimma of time and money.

How? ……… ..  Simple!

MYCRO- Time & Money Equalizer

Mycro will create innovative solutions for people with problems of time and money and tokenize the imbalance between time and

money. Also, it will play an important role in peer-to-peer networks that are decentralized through mobile applications that are easy to use. Simple jobs in the short term can be posted directly to the mycro network for free. So that helps people to find the right job. Therefore, one person gets time, another money.

How will Mycro help in finding work?

Mycro relies on special sorting functions. Both the contractor and the job provider can determine their preferences and rank according to their interests. Thank you, for  an intelligent self-learning matching algorithm  that will sort available job offers, taking into account the preferences previously selected, the job history and the ranking that results from this. Jobber finds all job offers that are sorted individually in the  Mobile Application  . These are all based on user guides or user surfaces that can be compared to networks like Tinder. The contractor must do it

Slide to look through job offers and find suitable offers. Jobs are sorted in descending order based on compatibility level.

How does the payment system between a job provider and a contractor work?

If the work is agreed between the job provider and ten contractors, both will receive a personal QR code. The start of the work is marked by

Job providers scan contractor QR codes. If both parties have decided to pay with cryptocurrency, the agreed amount will be sent directly to  the smart escrow contract  at this stage. The money will

stored in trust by the smart escrow contract when the work is done (escrow). Job providers and employers do not have the authority to access money. To end the job, the contractor scans the QR code of the job provider and the smart contract will take care of the contractor’s money.

 Token distribution

Vocational Schools Total: 100,000,000

A) Special sales: 26%

B) Pre-sale / Main Sales: 40%

C) Gift group for users: 12%

D) 5% gift program

E) Bonuses and consultants: 8%

F) Team and founder: 9%

 Fund distribution:

A) 45% Marketing

B) 40% Development, technology and employment

C)% Banking and Encryption

D) 7% Legal, consultation and management

In short:

MYCRO has developed an application for us so we can stand out from all the frustrations in our lives. Wherever we are in the world, we will be able to find the elements we are looking for in a very short time and we will be able to make secure agreements with smart contracts. If we want additional income in accordance with our capabilities, we will be able to upload our qualifications to the Mycro application and benefit at the right time and in our favorable conditions. A smart, decentralized, transparent and irrevocable blockchain, features that cannot be hacked, and lots of data easily with the capacity to vote we are all confronted with potential business software candidates that are indispensable. Mycro Job is software for all of us without exception. Worth investing. Below is a link that can be used for investors who need more information.









Username moricuy

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